Supporting Commercial Vehicle Market Decarbonisation

The Freight Portal

Zemo Partnership has played a key role supporting the development of the Freight Portal, created by Energy Saving Trust, in partnership with ourselves and the Department for Transport. 

The portal supports the UK Government's Transport Decarbonisation Plan (2021), and provides freight operators with easy to access help and advice on lowering costs and emissions, with information and guidance to deliver a net zero emissions freight sector.  

Zero Emission HGV and Infrastructure Demonstrators: Support and Ambassador 

In 2021 the Department for Transport (DfT), in collaboration with Innovate UK, established the Zero Emission HGV and Infrastructure Demonstrator (ZEHID) programme, formerly known as the Zero Emission Road Freight Demonstrator (ZERFD) programme. Zemo Partnership were asked to provide technical and promotional support for the scheme from DfT and Innovate UK, alongside the open competition work. 

The four winning ZEHID projects were announced on the 19th October 2023, concluding this workstream. Zemo Partnership will continue to act as a ZEHID ambassador, and seek to disseminate the project findings to members.

Freight Emissions Reduction Group Support

The (Road) Freight Emission Reduction Group (FERG) brings together government & industry players from Road Freight in a working group that acts as both a forum for updating each other on policy initiatives and developments, and to seek solutions or develop policy recommendations for specific issues relating to reducing road freight emissions.   

Unlike some other freight forums, FERG does not focus on the high level strategy issues of freight and logistics generally, but rather has been tasked to look for practical solutions to specific issues relating to road based freight and operators looking to reduce their transport emissions and to support and add value to the work of other bodies in this space.   

FERG membership is a mixture of road freight representative organisations, academics, consultants and policy officials and includes Zemo Partnership, the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders), the Energy Saving Trust, the Road Haulage Association, the Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics (CILT) and Logistics UK. More recently engagement with Local Authorities on road freight has been expanded and both Transport for London and Midlands Connect (in their role as a sub-national transport body) have joined as full time members of the group.   

The group meets every 3-4 months, chaired by Guy Hannan from Road Freight Regulation Division in DfT, who also provide secretariat for the Group. 

Join Us

If you want to get involved in the work of one or more of Zemo Partnership's Working Groups, why not join us, or contact the Secretariat for more information.

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Gloria Esposito

Zemo Partnership Lead:
Gloria Esposito

Director of Sustainable Business

Emily Stevens

Zemo Partnership Lead:
Emily Stevens

Project Manager