Zemo Partnership Membership Application

There is no better time to join our partnership for change. There is no other group working for this goal in the same way in the UK. We welcome new members. Please complete the form on this page to apply today. List of membership fees available here. * = Mandatory fields.

If you are interested in further information about the Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme (RFAS) please email 

1. Organisation Details

2. Organisation Type & Membership Fee

Annual fees shown for April 2024 to March 2025 membership

3. Organisation Sector & Subsector

Please choose the sector and subsector of your organisation

4. Areas of Interest

Fuel & Vehicle Technology

Vehicle Type

Vehicle Operation & Consumer Attitudes

5. Pledges


6. Membership Principles, Commitments and Contribution

All members are required to accept Zemo Partnership's membership principles and commitments; make a membership contribution and agree to the memorandum & articles of association.

7. Lead Contact

Please add other contacts below as appropriate

Further contact 1

Further contact 2

Further contact 3

Further contact 4

8. Information From New Applicants Only

Please explain (in around 250 words) how your activities are encouraging the supply of, or demand for low carbon automotive technologies, vehicles or fuels: *

9. How did you hear about Zemo Partnership?

10. Data Protection

Periodically the Zemo Partnership will use your contact details to email you the Zemo Partnership newsletter and information about Partnership activities and events.