Since 2003, the Partnership has worked tirelessly with our members to successfully reduce road transport emissions, playing a pivotal role supporting Government, industry and users to deliver our low and zero emission objectives. On 18 February 2021 we relaunched as Zemo Partnership, embracing our commitment to achieve a zero emissions future and strengthening our determination to make change happen faster.
Zemo Partnership's 2021-22 Annual Achievements Summary Document
In the past year we've successfully delivered over 50 initiatives, all with one ultimate aim: to accelerate transport to zero emissions.
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The Zemo-convened Electric Vehicle Energy Taskforce, publishes a wide range of reports and guidance on measures to optimise the benefits of the EV transition to the energy system
Zemo and the MCIA are tasked by Government (in landmark Transport Decabonisation Plan) to propose actions necessary to realise the potential of powered light vehicles - an action plan is published in early 2022
New £200m Zero Emission Freight Trials (ZERFT) are announced by Government following Zemo work and analysis to identify the most promising options to accelerate the transition to zero in the freight sector
New studies by Zemo assess the potential for hydrogen to play a role in the transport decarbonisation transition, taking account of the full life-cycle
- Zemo's Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme gathers pace with 14 suppliers signed up, covering most of the UK renewable fuels market
- Over 550 delegates attend Zemo's second all-virtual 2021 Annual Conference enabling more than 100,000 travel miles to be avoided
Zemo Partnership's 2020-21 Annual Achievements Summary Document
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A revamped Freight Portal is relaunched in collaboration with DfT and Energy Saving Trust to provide greater support for operators to tackle carbon emissions and costs
- A new Renewable Fuels Assurance Scheme is launched to boost fleet operator confidence and uptake of renewable fuels. It quickly gains engagement from suppliers
A refreshed retrofit guide is published to help vehicle operators and local authorities tackle polluting emissions
Zemo Partnership welcomes UK Government announcement of the introduction of E10 petrol in UK from September 2021
LowCVP becomes Zemo Partnership; new name and brand launched to show raised zero emissions ambition
LowCVP's 2019-2020 Annual Achievements Summary Document
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- LowCVP Conference focuses on future fuels; examines priorities beyond electrification to deliver net zero
- LowCVP-facilitated EV Energy Task Force holds summer workshops to inform stakeholders
- LowCVP report highlights growth prospects for Powered Light Vehicles in the UK
- LowCVP publishes Clean Vehicle Retrofit Technology Guide to help operators tackle pollution
- DfT & LowCVP launch consumer awareness campaign to help motorists ‘Know Your Fuel’
- LowCVP welcomes announcement of new net zero emissions target
- LowCVP publishes Low Emission Van Guide to help cut fuel costs, emissions and climate impact
- Government provides £1m funding to expand clean air retrofit solutions based on LowCVP's CVRAS scheme
- Ultra-Low Emission Bus funding provides £48m support - LowCVP plays leading role in laying foundations
- LowCVP and TfL unify bus test to support UK manufacturers
- LowCVP publishes Green Taxi Guide to support drive for cleaner city air
- Government announces £2.5m funding for the LowCVP’s emissions-cutting retrofit scheme
- Government announces set up of EV Energy Taskforce; LowCVP asked to facilitate
- New Government 'Road to Zero' strategy places LowCVP at heart of key initiatives
- Partnership develops definition of Ultra Low Emission Truck to ease transition to cleaner freight
- LowCVP collaborates with Mayor of Manchester in 'Moving North' Conference; focus on business opportunities from green transport transition
- LowCVP celebrates 15 years of progress towards low emission transport with Parliamentary reception
- LowCVP launches 'A Green Bus For Every Journey', explaining how a new generation of clean buses is saving 55,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year (November)
- LowCVP hosts national launch event for Horizon 2020 project ‘Electrifying Public Transport in Cities’ (ELIPTIC) (November)
- LowCVP launches the 'Low Emission Bus (LEB) Guide' for operators and local authorities at the Euro Bus Expo 2016 (November)
- LowCVP and EA Technology launch the EV Network Group bringing together key stakeholders from the low carbon automotive and electricity supply sectors to help ensure that rapid electric vehicle uptake isn’t held back by its impacts on the UK’s power grid (October)
- 'Automated Vehicles: Automatically Low Carbon?' study is launched at LowCVP Annual Conference (June)
- LowCVP launches new joint initiative, 'Lower Carbon, Cleaner Air' at Parliamentary Reception at the House of Commons with the Clean Air Alliance to highlight links between the CO2 and air quality agendas (March)
- LowCVP publishes ‘The Journey of the Green Bus’ report in partnership with Greener Journeys - the first in a three-part series on greener buses (February)
- LowCVP gives evidence to DEFRA Committee focusing on CO2 and air quality linkages (January)
- LowCVP showcases 'Bigger Thinking on Smaller Vehicles' (L-Category project) at LCV 2015 Event.
- LowCVP Annual Conference held in collaboration with FIA Formula E; discusses impacts of electric motor racing.
- LowCVP launches Guide to Local Measures for Encouraging the Uptake of Low Emission Vehicles.
- LowCVP collaborates with DfT to produce 2050 Transport Energy Infrastructure Roadmaps showing the way to transport decarbonisation.
- Partnership launches Low Emission Van 'Information Hub'
- LowCVP holds Parliamentary Reception and exhibition in Collaboration with European Climate Foundation to showcase report on economic impacts of the low carbon shift.
- LowCVP publishes new study on air quality impacts of the introduction of low carbon buses
- LowCVP with SMMT and ISBA issue revision of Best Practice Principles for environmental claims in marketing
- LowCVP launches a new website with enhanced functionality, new branding and new features designed to enhance the value of membership
- LowCVP coordinates introduction of new Low Carbon Automotive Directory
- New collaboration with SMMT/UKTI results in launch of initiative at LCV2013 to facilitate University engagement with SMEs, boost trade prospects
- LowCVP introduces new innovation award for low carbon transport alongside the Cleantech-Innovate process (September)
- LowCVP launches new report on Life Cycle Assessment of Low Carbon Cars alongside 2013 Annual Conference which focuses on ‘Beyond the Tailpipe’ theme (July)
- LowCVP publishes report, agreed with stakeholders, identifying cost-effective measures for cutting carbon emissions from buses (July)
- The new car fuel economy label is updated to incorporate plug-in and electric vehicles (February)
- LowCVP celebrates ten years of cutting carbon from road transport with Anniversary Reception and Champions Awards. Introduces ‘Beyond the Tailpipe’ theme. (January)
- Calculations show that LowCVP’s activities have contributed directly to carbon savings of over 2Mt CO2e at a cost effectiveness of £3 per tonne CO2e (January)
- LowCVP brings stakeholders together to examine potential pathways to the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive to 2020
- Develops framework and communications strategy with industry in preparation for the possible implementation of E10 in the UK
- Successful Technology Challenge focusing on urban mobility recognises and promotes the work of six UK SMEs
- In collaboration with key stakeholders the LowCVP publishes a major report on barriers to the adoption of low carbon HGVs
- LowCVP conducts leading-edge research into consumer attitudes to fuel economy labelling on passenger cars
- Develops a prototype PHEV and EV fuel economy label for new cars
- Transport Secretary Justine Greening and a cast of leading speakers take part in LowCVP's Annual Conference (May)
- LowCVP continues to support the bus market through Green Bus Fund 4. Over 850 low carbon buses now on the road - the largest low carbon fleet in Europe
- Andy Eastlake appointed LowCVP Managing Director (April)
- Toolkit created to assist local transport authorities on best practice in adopting policies to encourage low carbon emissions buses
- LowCVP coordinates industry input to DfT's review of the Bus Service Operators' Grant
- LowCVP works closely with DfT to support the largest market for low carbon buses in the world through Green Bus Funds 1, 2 & 3
- LowCVP works with Government to encourage low carbon HGVs leading to £9.5m Low Carbon Truck Programme
- Research managed by the LowCVP for DfT leads to launch of Plugged-In Vans grants programme
- LowCVP secures the long-term provision of used car labels via third parties (HPI and Experian) following successful trial
- Helped raise awareness of UK low carbon SMEs through a range of activities including:
- Leading a delegation of six low carbon SMEs to exhibit at Bibendum in Berlin,
- Technology Bites webinar series focusing on SME capabilities and,
- On-line version of Low Carbon Automotive Directory supported by UKTI.
- Road to Returns’ event run to engage investors and showcase SME investment opportunities working in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers and SMMT.
- LowCVP leads the biomethane in transport elements of the Anaerobic Digestion Strategy for Defra
- LowCVP-commissioned report Biomethane for Transport - HGV cost modelling published.
- The LowCVP leads debate on challenges in moving to a lifecycle CO2 measure for vehicles
- LowCVP membership rises to 185 organisations
- Cumulative carbon savings from LowCVP activities are 1.3mt CO2e; cost effectiveness is £4.1 per tCO2 avoided
- Revision in Best Practice Principles (BPP) for Green Claims contributed to significant reduction in complaints to ASA regarding green claims about cars last year and only 2 upheld. Industry judge BPP to be useful tool.
- The LowCVP runs low carbon transport seminars at major sustainability events: base 2010 (London) and SustainAbilitylive! (Birmingham)
- The LowCVP runs successful Low Carbon Community Challenge which encourages voluntary-sector and other low carbon transport initiatives to take place at local level
- The first LowCVP Low Carbon Champions Awards held in collaboration with WhatCar? Green Awards at Twickenham Stadium
- The LowCVP launches a colour-coded Used Car Fuel Economy Label following the success of the similar new car label which is now displayed in over 90% of dealerships
- The LowCVP plays a strong supporting role in the delivery of DfT's Green Bus Fund 1 and 2 which are accelerating the introduction of low carbon buses to the UK
- Series of LowCVP webinars (on-line seminars) begins, helping to demonstrate how to conduct useful conferences and seminars without travelling
- The LowCVP runs HGV Technology Challenge which is successful in gaining good entries based on a wide range of carbon-cutting technologies for the heavy goods sector
- The Government announces that the Bus Service Operators Grant (BSOG) is to be reformed. The reforms reflect advice provided by the LowCVP
- Director and Chairman meet with Transport and Treasury Secretaries
- The LowCVP holds a Parliamentary lunch for MPs and senior LowCVP stakeholders
- Engaging with Investors website launched
- April 2009: The LowCVP becomes a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee
- The LowCVP runs successful Technology Challenge which brings together small technology developers and car manufacturers
- The LowCVP collaborates with DfT in setting up Green Bus Fund which leads to £30m orders, mainly for hybrid and pure electric buses
- Launch of Used Car Fuel Economy label (similar to new car label) facilitated by the LowCVP; introduction to car showrooms begins
- The LowCVP publishes study into use of biomethane in heavy duty vehicles
- Decision taken for Partnership members to own LowCVP
- LowCVP hosts successful 5th Annual Conference
- Successful collaboration at Climate Clinic during party conferences
- European COMPRO project adopt LowCVP low carbon bus procurement specification
- Advertising survey shows shift in advertising to low carbon vehicles. LowCVP Survey shows 91% of new car dealers now display energy efficiency label
- Director completes secondment to Renewable Fuels Agency to co-author Gallagher Review. The Partnership and DfT appoint a consultant to work as 'Act on CO2' stakeholder relations manager
- LowCVP gives evidence to Environmental Audit Committee Labelling Inquiry.
- RTFO Carbon & Sustainability Reporting Guidance submitted to Government
- The LowCVP submits input to the Low Carbon Transport Innovation Strategy (January).
- New LowCVP website launched (February).
- The LowCVP launches 'Cars not Carbon; The LowCVP Marketing Challenge' (February).
- LowCVP holds succesful annual conference on the marketing and advertising of low carbon vehicles (June)
- LowCVP passes 250 member organisations (July)
- Strategic plan 2007-10 agreed.
- LowCVP provides input to EAC inquiry into the sustainability of biofuels and environmental labelling (November)
- LowCVP organises seminars for the King Review
- LowCVP guides the development of DfT Public Procurement Programme
- Centre of Excellence for Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technology (CENEX) launched following agreement through LowCVP R&D and Supply Chain Working Groups.
- The Government announces that sustainability reporting will form part of requirements for biofuels introduction under the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation. The LowCVP appoints a project manager to lead on work to develop reporting requirements.
- Winners of the LowCVP's Low Carbon Road Transport 'Challenge' announced and proposals presented at the Annual Conference (June).
- The LowCVP provides evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee inquiry (Reducing Carbon Emissions from Transport) and the EC's Review of the Biofuels Directive.
- The Partnership provides input to the Department for Transport review of the Powering Future Vehicles Strategy.
- The LowCVP's Steering Group membership is revised to widen participation.
- The Partnership's Memorandum of Understanding is revised and membership commitments and principles are established.
- The LowCVP membership passes 200 organisations (July).
- The LowCVP enters discussions about broadening the Partnership's remit to encompass the 'integrated approach' to cutting carbon from the road transport sector. A project manager (secondment) appointed to lead investigation into potential future role for the LowCVP.
- The colour-coded fuel economy label is launched at the LowCVP's second annual conference by the Secretary of State for Transport (February).
- The LowCVP completes consumer research into the barriers to purchase of low carbon vehicles.
- Low carbon buses delivered to support proposed grant programme.
- Strategic plan 2005-7 agreed.
- The LowCVP carries out detailed work to assess the feasibility of introducing sustainability standards and greenhouse gas certification as part of the proposed Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO).
- Roll-out of new car fuel economy label begins (July). Initial survey shows 73% of dealers displaying labels.
- The LowCVP holds its first Annual Conference/General Meeting in London.
- The LowCVP publishes a major study on well-to-wheel carbon emissions for bioethanol produced from wheat. Study shows greenhouse gas benefits can vary significantly across different production pathways.
- Negotiations begin on the introduction of a colour-coded fuel economy label for new cars.
- Greg Archer appointed Director (September).
- The LowCVP membership exceeds 150 organisations.
- The LowCVP provides guidance to the Government on the proposed TransportEnergy grant programmes and the future of the Voluntary Agreements.
- The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is established. Senior representatives of organisations with a stake in the low carbon road transport agenda are appointed to the Board. Graham Smith, Toyota UK Managing Director, is appointed as Chair. A small secretariat based in central London coordinates the Partnership's activities, led by David Wallis.
- The Energy White Paper (2003) refers to the earlier Powering Future Vehicles Strategy in terms of road transport's contribution to climate change mitigation.
- Planning for a Centre of Automotive Excellence in Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technology commences.
- The Government publishes the Powering Future Vehicles (PFV) Strategy which outlines official targets and policies for cutting greenhouse gas emissions from the UK's road transport sector. The establishment of a stakeholder partnership - the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership - is an important part of the strategy and is intended to provide a structure through which to accelerate the shift to low carbon vehicles and fuels. Launch Director, Jim Skea, is appointed.