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Accelerating Transport to Zero Emissions
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In December 2024, Zemo Partnership published our Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport in the UK, which explains how to accelerate investment and encourage the behavioural changes needed to decarbonise the sector at pace.
The report and Delivering Net Zero Transport in the UK – Briefing for the new Government, published in September 2024, identify gaps in the existing policy framework and suggest how these should be addressed.
The European Climate Foundation has co
Zemo Partnership has produced this Best Practice Guide to support those who sell or assist in the selling of used EVs, both online and in person. The guide provides consistency and clarity across the consumer’s used EV purchase journey.
Zemo Work Programme Updates - Used EV: Consumer Information Project and PLV updates
Zemo's Zero Emission Mobility Taskforce Update including recommendations that came out of the series of workshops held Sep-Dec 2023
Zemo's new project: Welsh Commercial Vehicle Decarbonisation Programme
The Way Forward - An introduction to Claire Haigh
ERM: Introduction to study for CCC on EV late-adopters and policies to impact them
Carver: The Urban Congestion Challenge
Innovation and Market Developments in Charge Management
Road Pricing Modelling in the UK
Combined slides from meeting held on 31st October. Includes updates from DfT and OZEV, member presentations from ERM and Cornwall Insight and our second Personal Mobility Roadmap workshop
Slide pack presented at the meeting held on the 4th July 2023. Includes: EV Energy Taskforce update, Zemo Future Strategy Discussion and the 2023/34 Work Programme Projects
Minutes from the joint Passenger Car and Energy Infrastructure Working Group meeting - Tuesday 4th July 2023
Agenda for the joint meeting being held on the 4th July 2023. Agenda Items: Government Updates, Zemo Work Programme 2023/24, Guest Presentations....
In response to the DfT’s final consultation on the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate and the CO2 emissions regulations, the following views of Zemo Partnership members have been gathered and collated by the Secretariat for submission. The following document presents the points of agreement, disagreement and sometimes varied views of Zemo Partnership’s members; offering an overview of the perspectives of different stakeholders across a significant part of the tr
A comparison of what was submitted by Zemo Partnership, following member engagement, in response to the technical consultation in June 2022 and the current, final consultation on the ZEV mandate.
Combined slides from meeting held on 14th March. Including: Chargepoint data for Local Authorities | European Chargepoint Mandate | New Member Showcase - SilenceUK
Minutes of the PCWG meeting held on the 14th March 2023
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