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Accelerating Transport to Zero Emissions
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Zemo Partnership sometimes runs joint Working Group projects where the content crosses over Working Group areas or where the content does not fit comfortably within one of the other Groups. These projects are overseen by the Members Council.
Funded directly by DEFRA and the Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU), Zemo and EST are working closely with the supply and user industries to continue to support the development of the CVRAS scheme and review the technical requirements and approval processes to ensure it remains appropriate.
Zemo Partnership is working to shape and stimulate policies and opportunities that drive the widespread uptake of zero emission L-category PLVs for light freight and urban personal mobility – starting with the delivery of the joint ‘action plan’ agreed with industry and government.
Zemo Partnership will undertake a study to explore the life cycle environmental and social impacts associated with zero emission vehicles. This will take into consideration automotive component supply chains, fuel and energy production, in conjunction with vehicle disposal. Environmental and ethical parameters to be considered include natural resource use, energy use, land use, pollution, waste, biodiversity, human rights and labour conditions.
The aim of this project is to raise awareness of the importance of life cycle analysis (LCA) and to advocate its integration into transport policy.
At the request of the DfT, Zemo Partnership will conduct a desktop review of the Transport Energy Model (TEM) and the assumptions upon which it is based.
This project will create and develop a code of practice for EV retrofit installations, based upon our preliminary conclusions from the ‘EV Retrofit Impact on CVRAS’ project, which will be published as a publicly accessible standard (PAS) to form a key part of the zero emission vehicle retrofit accreditation scheme (ZEVRAS).
The project examines and addresses the challenges that an EV conversion presents to the CVRAS scheme and identifies the gaps where a 'zero emission vehicle retrofit accreditation scheme' (ZEVRAS) could optimally provide support.
Development and discussion of a think piece proposal for a Zero Emission Zone framework, building on and reviewing existing local Clean Air Zones and the CVRAS/ZEVRAS experience. A Zemo Partnership internal project aiming to engage with key stakeholders to develop a core proposal.
View a list of completed Zemo Partnership projects.
Zemo Partnership Lead: Jonathan Murray
Director of Finance, Operations and Business Development
If you want to get involved in the work of one or more of Zemo Partnership's Working Groups, why not join us, or contact the Secretariat for more information.
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