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Accelerating Transport to Zero Emissions
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407 resources found [Displaying 31 to 60]
Zemo study for Transport Scotland assessing the pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions of diesel-powered HGV refrigeration units and their environmental impact across Scotland.
Executive Summary of New in-depth Zemo study highlighting the future role hydrogen can play.
A New in-depth Zemo study highlighting the role hydrogen can play in our net zero emission transport future.
RTFO Consultation Response Form for Fuels Working Group
The guide gives fleet operators an overview of the range of low carbon, sustainable fuels available in the UK, focussing on high blend biofuels for use in CVs. It demonstrates the business & environmental case for adopting high blend biofuels, featuring a series of fleet operator case studies.
A guide to help operators to understand the national air quality frameworks and retrofit technologies available to achieve them.
EY report on the cost of EV buses in Scotland
Final report to disseminate the results of the £32m Low Emission Freight Trials (LEFT) which took place from 2017-20
First report by the Transport Energy Network (TEN) suggests there is no "single bullet" solution for decarbonising transport and warns against "over-reliance" of any one technology, urging policy-makers and industry to develop a portfolio of power options to meet 2050 targets.
Supergen Bioenergy Hub and Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership Collaboration Project Report
Interim Report - October 2020
Accessible Data for Decision Making
Smart Charging Technical Requirements
Engaging EV users in smart charging and energy services
A Common Strategic Understanding of the Requirements of the Energy System to Support Mass EV Uptake
LowCVP presents an analysis of the UK coach market in terms of vehicles in service, annual registrations, annual mileage and associated greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.
Policy options to support the bus industry shift to a zero emission bus fleet
LowCVP's submission to the 2035 end of sale of internal combustion engine car and van consultaion, following discussion workshops with member.
The Low Carbon Fuel Tracking Scheme (LCFTS) aims to provide assurance and traceability of the carbon and sustainability performance of renewable fuels being sold to fleet operators in the UK. It complements DfT's Renewable Fuel Transport Obligation and facilitates evidence of carbon and sustainability for low carbon fuels beyond the point of fuel duty,
A review of well-to-tank GHG emission values and pathways for natural gas, biofuels and hydrogen
The final report of the EV Energy Taskforce Phase One. Published January 2020. This report focuses on steps to remove actual or potential barriers and reinforce actual or potential enablers. It provides a focus on key issues and states when important questions have to be resolved. The proposals are not just for Government. Success will need collaboration and compromise from all stakeholders, both in the energy and the automotive sectors.
Overview of H2HAUL EU project.
Know Your Electric Range Guide produced by LowCVP and the NFDA
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