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Accelerating Transport to Zero Emissions
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128 resources found [Displaying 61 to 90]
Guidance notes for achieving Low Emission Bus status
Article by Andy Eastlake for Freight Industry Times, Winter 2018
60-second interview with Andy Eastlake
LowCVP Deputy Director, Jonathan Murray, reflects on ten years of the Cenex LCV event and how the industry has developed during that time
Are you ready to lead the ULEV charge? Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake: "The more things change, the more they stay the same"
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake: 'New Government but same strong ULEV support'
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake: 'Green fleets - it's about great people as well the right policies'
Article by Neil Wallis of the LowCVP and Dr Zia Wadud, Univ of Leeds Institute of Transport Studies based on the report 'Automated Vehicles: Automatically low carbon?'
Article by LowCVP MD Andy Eastlake: 'Joined up government: the Spectrum of Support'
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastalke: 'What a Westminster month'
Article by LowCVP MD Andy Eastlake: 'Efficient, intelligent and autonomous – can new technologies change the outlook for transport carbon?'
Article by LowCVP MD Andy Eastlake: 'The benefits of green commercial fleets'
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake:'Maintaining the ULEV momentum'
Article by LowCVP MD, Andy Eastlake: 'Paris agreement a clear signpost to a low carbon future'
The LowCVP's response to the Energy and Climate Change Committee's inquiry exploring the main challenges with, and potential solutions to, meeting the UK’s 2020 renewable energy targets for heat and transport.
Article by LowCVP MD Andy Eastlake: 'Joining up the climate change and air quality agenda'
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