Phase 2: CV Decarbonisation Action Plan

Members of the Welsh Stakeholder Working Group have participated in a series of workshops addressing the key barriers and associated actions to accelerating the decarbonisation of commercial vehicles in Wales.  

Zemo have supported these workshops with a deep dive into the nature of the Welsh van and truck market, and the wider role of UK and international markets, highlighting key market trends to help inform the development of an action plan.  

The action plan is supported by high level modelling based on ZEV mandate policy for vans and non-zero emission phase out dates for trucks (2035 & 2040). The modelling provides a range of future scenarios that will require different levels of Welsh and UK government action, depending on the market conditions of decarbonisation options.  

The plan also highlights the promotion of existing decarbonisation options that are available to operators and end-users today, such as low carbon fuels and electrification.  

  1. Collecting the evidence base to quantify and benchmark the commercial vehicle sector and the carbon emissions resulting from the operation of commercial vehicles in Wales as a basis for assessing its reduction. In the first phase, this will involve defining data requirements and conducting a survey of public domain data to define focus areas for Phase 2.​ 
  2. Developing initial recommendations for the decarbonisation of the commercial vehicle sector in Wales. This will be developed through a UK wide roadmap exercise by Zemo and its members. The resulting recommendations were prioritised with regard to the impact on GHG, time horizon for delivery and significance to Wales.​ 
Alec Thomson

Zemo Partnership Lead:
Alec Thomson

Head Programme and Operations Manager