Electrification of fleets: depot-based

Background & Challenge

There are an increasing number of depot-based fleets interested in adopting electric vehicles. There are significant challenges in terms of the electrification of depot-based fleets, particularly in terms of connection to the electricity grid, charging times and requirements and resultant changes in working practices. A number of bus and freight fleets have navigated these challenges successfully.

(Note: This project is run in conjunction with Zemo Partnership's BWG and CVWG projects on depot-based fleet electrification.)


  • To identify the main challenges in the electrification of depot-based fleets
  • To provide information and guidance to operators about overcoming the challenges

Actions & Outputs

  • Guidance for depot based fleets considering electrification, including an additional set of case studies (to Zemo Partnership’s 2019-20 Electrification of Fleets project)
  • Preparation of a barriers & opportunities paper to identify options for future work
  • Outputs will also be communicated through Zemo Partnership and other channels including partner organisations: EST, Energy UK & NFDA
Alec Thomson

Zemo Partnership Lead:
Alec Thomson

Programme Lead and Operations Manager


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