The list below contains the vehicles that have demonstrated through the LUB test cycle at least a 15% GHG WTW saving compared with a diesel bus of the equivalent passenger capacity. The WTW GHG emissions are calculated through addition of well-to-tank emissions and measured tailpipe or (tank-to-wheel) emissions. This combined well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions are compared with a the baseline performance of a Euro V diesel bus of equivalent passenger capacity.
Certificates are updated annually in line with the publication of UK greenhouse gas carbon emission factors by the Department for Energy and Environment. The last update occurred on the 18th June 2018.
For Biomethane buses, the tank-to-wheel or tailpipe emissions (g CO2e /km) are calculated using the TTW factor from the UK Government's Greenhouse Gas Reporting: Conversion Factors 2016, which excludes the CO2 emissions when biomethane is burnt as it is assumed that this is absorbed from the atmosphere as the biomass (plant) grows.
Visit our Well-to-Tank page for more information on the factors used in calculating the total Well-to-Wheel CO2e emissions of LEB certified models.
Bus Service Operators Grant LCEB incentive
Low Emission Buses qualify for the BSOG LCEB 6 pence/km operational support from the Department for Transport. BSOG is only awarded to buses running on local bus services, accessible by the public. LEB and LCEBs running on private services are not entitled to receive the BSOG LCEB 6p/km incentive.
Zemo Partnership has assessed how modifications to vehicle specification, which impact vehicle weight, affect the validity of the LEB certificates. The use of an adjustment formula will enable manufactures to correct CO2 figures and award LEB certificates for LEBs.
View the manufacturers below to see their Low Emission Bus vehicles & corresponding certificates:
Further information on LEB Certificates
To discuss potential bus models that may qualify for LEB accreditation, please complete the contact form below.