Zemo project to identify missing policies needed to accelerate net zero transition kicks off
Fri 31 January 2025
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Zemo has been commissioned by the European Climate Foundation (ECF) to build on elements of the Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport (published last December) and to define a Map of Missing Policies needed to accelerate UK road transport’s transition to net zero.
This will build on and reinforce our work to achieve a more urgent, comprehensive and integrated approach to delivering net zero transport in the UK.
The project will identify gaps in the policies of the four nations of the UK to achieve net zero transport by 2050 and make proposals to address them in a timely manner.
The Delivery Roadmap for Net Zero Transport sets out a multi-path approach, to be taken over the life of the current UK Parliament. The policy proposals aim to encourage a shift to zero emission vehicles including electrification, action to decarbonise the legacy ICE fleet as well as promote low carbon travel choices.
The report advocates the use of comprehensive and integrated policy frameworks, with all relevant government policies – energy, industry, planning, skills, and finance - contributing to achieving the net-zero target.
Note for members: Zemo members are invited to attend our all member meeting on 19 February (10am) where there will be an opportunity to engage in identifying the policy gaps that are slowing down the decarbonisation of road transport in the UK and contribute to developing Zemo’s Map of Missing Policies. Registration link (members only) is here.
If your organisation would like to attend this - and a wide range of other activities - but is not already a member of Zemo Partnership, please visit Zemo's 'Join Us' pages.
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