Thu 28 October 2021
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Philip Sellwood CBE (Board Chair): "Seventy-five percent of the world's emissions are generated by the developed countries of the OECD; for comparison Africa generates four percent. At Glasgow I would like to see the developed countries offering a similar level of financial support directly in line with their emissions. This approach would demonstrate real leadership to those less fortunate countries trying to make the transition to a low carbon economy of the future.”
Claire Haigh, Founder & CEO Greener Transport Solutions: “Transport is the fastest growing source of global greenhouse gas emissions. A step change is needed if we are to decarbonise in time. We cannot rely on clean technologies alone, behaviour change will also play a critical role. Fares and taxes should encourage lower carbon travel choices.
"The success of COP26 will be determined by the commitments secured for this decade. We must connect with the root cause of climate change, which is fundamentally about our using too much energy and the price of fossil fuels that produce that energy. A strong, predictable and rising carbon price is needed.”
John Lippe, Director, City Engagement, Ford Mobility: "Recent research indicates that people continue to have concerns around charging infrastructure and perceived range anxiety. If there’s one thing that I’d like to see from COP26, it is for everyone involved - governments, public bodies, energy providers and automotive companies - to tackle this together to ensure this segment of the transport sector is able to achieve the progress essential to reduce CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement."
Peter Harris, Vice President, International Sustainability, UPS: "A global consensus on greenhouse gas emissions reduction that recognizes the co-dependence of business and the environment and encourages innovation as a key solution provider."
Rosie Pearson, Corporate Director, Business Development, Local Partnerships LLP: "COP26 needs to be a catalyst for global action, supporting a modal shift in the way we think about how we travel. Nations should utilise the behavioural changes brought about by the global pandemic to enable society to consider properly when we need to travel and how we do it – providing the infrastructure to give us smart choices about when we do travel, through affordable and attractive transport solutions available to all. Ultimately, I believe that if life is about the journey, then let’s make it a zero emission journey and enjoy the experience of travel."
Tim Anderson, Group Head of Transport, Energy Saving Trust: "Boldness. This is the time to stand up as a planet and make a difference before it is too late. We can see evidence of the climate emergency all around us and whilst it may not have affected us directly yet, it will. Politicians must tackle the threat to our planet and make solid commitments that go beyond self-interest and national politics, but rather work together for the good of all people now and for generations to come. With transport still making a huge contribution to the climate emergency, this is the time for transport decarbonisation to accelerate across all sectors including aviation, marine and rail, as well as the areas that the Zemo Partnership is supporting on road transport."
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