Wed 03 November 2021 View all news

World leaders including those from the US, India, China and UK have announced a 'Breakthrough Agenda', initially launched at the World Leaders Summit (which took place just before COP26) committing countries to work together to make clean technologies and sustainable solutions the most affordable, accessible and attractive option in each emitting sector globally before 2030.

Work will focus on five key sectors – power, road transport, hydrogen, steel and agriculture – which together represent more than half of total global emissions.

More than 35 leaders backed and signed up to the new Glasgow Breakthrough Agenda at COP26. Collectively the signatories represent more than 50% of the world’s economy and every region is included.

Progress will be reviewed annually, starting in 2022, supported by leading international organisations.

As chair of COP26, the UK Government announced four key priorities – collectively known as the ‘Global Checkpoint Process’ – working in close collaboration with partners. These are:

  • To report on the state of the tansition through the International Energy Agency (IEA), working in collaboration with IRENA, the United Nations High Level Climate Action Champions, and other institutions, bodies and industry leaders as appropriate to assess progress against the objectives of the Breakthrough Agenda;
  • To convene leading initiatives in each sector: to bring together the government, non-state actor and international organisation representatives convening the leading initiatives within each major emitting sector, in particular those set out under the Glasgow Breakthroughs. These discussions will explore how initiatives can best support the Breakthroughs, and the potential for improved co-ordination between initiatives
  • to co-convene ministerial discussions on the state of the transition: to work with partners to invite supporters of the Breakthrough Agenda to meet alongside the Mission Innovation and Clean Energy Ministerial meetings hosted by the US in 2022 to discuss the state of the transition report, to review proposals for enhanced collaborative action and to agree to strengthen and reinforce the urgency, ambition and coordination of international efforts under the Breakthrough Agenda;
  • To encourage new leaders-level commitments: working with partners, at leader-level fora to welcome new signatories to the Breakthroughs and seek to launch new Breakthroughs in areas not currently covered, such as in land use, aviation, shipping, buildings and other industrial sectors. To work with the next COP Presidency to discuss progress of the Breakthrough Agenda at COP27.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “By making clean technology the most affordable, accessible and attractive choice, the default go-to in what are currently the most polluting sectors, we can cut emissions right around the world.

“The Glasgow Breakthroughs will turbocharge this forward, so that by 2030 clean technologies can be enjoyed everywhere, not only reducing emissions but also creating more jobs and greater prosperity.”


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