Visit the LowCVP discussion forum on the website
Fri 25 May 2007
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LowCVP member organisations now have access to a members-only discussion forum on the LowCVP website to enable informal discussion of the current key issues on the low carbon vehicles and fuels agenda.
Any relevant issues can be discussed in the forum, which is loosely monitored by the secretariat. Members can either initiate subjects for discussion, or add their thoughts to debates already taking place. Current discussions include threads relating to the new website, about automotive advertising and about CO2 performance by vehicle manufacturer.
All representatives of member organisations have an id and password for the website members-area which also gives access to upcoming meetings and documents and other works in progress. It also enables them to maintain and update their organisation's profile and stake in the low carbon agenda - a profile which is visible to all website visitors. The section also helps members - once they are logged-in - to more easily access the sort of information they would like to see when visiting the website.
Any members who are unsure of their passwords should contact the secretariat:
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