UK's 2010 emissions target may be missed 'by wide margin'

Sat 05 November 2005 View all news

The UK is on course to miss the Government’s aim of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2010 according to a new report from Cambridge Econometrics.

UK carbon emissions in 2010 are likely to be 12.75% below their 1990 level. (The UK's Kyoto target is to reduce an agreed 'basket' of greenhouse gas emissions - of which CO2 is the most important -by 12.5%.)

The Cambridge analysts say that the Government’s aspiration of a 20% cut is unachievable without the swift introduction of policies to raise taxes on road and fuel use and tightening restrictions on the amount of carbon emitted in power generation.

Reductions in energy use by industry would be taken up by rises in electricity demand and in emissions from road transport according to the analysis.

Many signatory countries to the Kyoto agreement are facing an uphill struggle to meet their agreed targets.

Related Links

Cambridge Econometrics press release
ENDS story link

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