Transport Sectetary signals support for mandatory car CO2 measures

Sun 05 March 2006 View all news

In a Parliamentary answer the Transport Secretary Alistair Darling * indicated that mandatory measures to hasten the introduction of low carbon cars are under consideration.

In response to a supplementary question from Danny Alexander MP on 2nd May, the Transport Secretary stated that mandatory measures to force car manufacturers to produce cleaner vehicles were under consideration.

Mr Darling said: "On the present voluntary agreement among European car manufacturers, the time has now come for us to consider mandatory agreements, because not enough progress is being made and most people would expect car manufacturers right across Europe to make cars cleaner than they are at present."

(* Since this article was written, Alistair Darling has become Trade Secretary and is replaced at Transport by Douglas Alexander.)

Related Links

Alistair Darling - Parliamentary Answer 2 May
Hansard source

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