The LowCVP participates in California Symposium on Low Carbon Fuels

Fri 18 May 2007 View all news

The LowCVP was represented amongst an international panel of fuel experts in California who met to preview plans for the state's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). A keynote address was given by California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The LowCVP's fuels programme manager, Jessica Chalmers, gave a presentation to the forum entitled 'National and International contexts' outlining details of the UK's Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation and the LowCVP's leading role in developing biofuels certification and accreditation standards as a part of that regulation.

In his address, Governor Schwarzenegger pointed to the fact that competition is already developing in the market to meet the new LCFS, suggesting that it is the best way to arrest climate changing emissions from the use of transport fuels and also reduce oil dependency, boost clean technology and give consumers a weapon against escalating fuel prices.

Schwarzenegger first introduced the LCFS in January 2007. The LCFS is designed to utilize enforceable standards, market competition and flexible compliance to reduce emissions at the lowest cost and in the most consumer-friendly ways. By 2020 it will require a reduction in the carbon intensity of California's passenger vehicle fuels of at least 10 percent and is expected to more than triple the size of California's renewable fuels market. It is also expected to displace 20% of California's gasoline consumption with lower carbon fuels, and put more than 7 million alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles on its roads without any new government spending.

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