The LowCVP e-newsletter survey results
Mon 24 April 2006
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Thank you to all subscribers who responded to the recent LowCVP e-newsletter survey. 120 people completed the survey - a response rate of just under 15% of all readers. 98% of respondents reported that they find the e-newsletter either 'very useful' or 'quite useful'.
44% of those who responded have been reading the e-newsletter for a year or more and a further 30% for between 6 months and a year.
75% of respondents said that they always read the e-newsletter, while 23% said they 'often' do so. The most popular categories of news were 'information on transport and climate-related research reports (81%) and 'technology developments' (78%). The least popular category was information about events and conferences (47%).
The most disappointing feature revealed by the survey was the high level of respondents (29%) who reported having experienced some sort of technical problem with the appearance or receipt of the newsletter.
The results of the survey will be used to inform the future appearance and content of the LowCVP e-newsletter.
The winner of a bottle of premium British - 'low carbon transport miles' - wine was Jennifer Huckstep of the SMMT.
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