Technology Strategy Board to invest £12m to help develop low carbon technology for road vehicles
Mon 25 January 2010
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The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) has £12m of Government funding which it will invest in new technology to speed up the reduction of CO2 emissions from road vehicles. The investment will be made in sixteen proof-of-concept studies lasting up to one year and six longer-running full research and development projects.
The total value of the research will be in the region of £25 million, with the remaining funding provided by the UK organisations taking part in the work.
John Laughlin, the Technology Strategy Board's Low Carbon Vehicles programme manager, said: "This investment is part of our ongoing strategy to put the UK at the forefront of low carbon vehicle technology.
"We are funding innovative projects in a number of key areas which include internal combustion engine technologies, energy storage and management, lightweight structures and new propulsion technologies. The work will help to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions and deliver mass-market low carbon road vehicles within 5 to 15 years.
In addition to helping to meet UK and EU climate change targets, we anticipate this research and development work will create significant market opportunities for UK-based companies."
The TSB has also announced that it is launching a competition with up to £19m available to invest in innovative, industry-led collaborative research, development and demonstration in the field of low and ultra low carbon vehicles.
Bidding consortia will be expected to demonstrate the potential to build on the UK’s existing capabilities, targeting global competitive advantage and economic benefit for the UK.
The competition opens on 8th February 2010 and applicants need to register their intent to submit an application by 25th March.
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