Season's Greetings to all LowCVP members and bulletin readers

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Wed 21 December 2011 View all news

The LowCVP would like to wish all members and bulletin readers best wishes for a peaceful Christmas holiday and for 2012. Despite the economic and political turbulence of 2011, the Partnership has continued to successfully develop the market for an understanding of lower carbon vehicles and fuels. Amongst the Partnership's notable achievements:

  • The Government announced a further £20m for Green Bus Fund 3 in Autumn Statement. The LowCVP was a key player in designing the fund mechanism which proved successful in Rounds 1 and 2.
  • The Government announced investment of £8m to pump-prime the procurement of low emission HGV technologies in Autumn Statement. LowCVP was instrumental in drawing to the attention of Ministers of opportunities to decarbonise trucks including supporting DEFRA’s Anaerobic Digestion strategy that highlighted opportunities in transport.
  • LowCVP launched an influential report on future costs of car ownership which kicked-off a wide-ranging debate in the UK and elsewhere that has highlighted the need for on-going subsidy of electric and other ultra-low carbon vehicle technologies if these are to achieve widespread take-up.
  • LowCVP work highlighting the importance of using whole life carbon emissions to compare the emissions of different vehicles. The work has fed into discussions at the European Commission on future metrics for a possible 2025 car regulation.
  • LowCVP has actively supported a range of emerging cleantech automotive SME’s. Technology Readiness levels launched with Automotive Council. A ‘Road to Returns’ investor event with PWC and SMMT highlighted the opportunities for investment in automotive. LowCVP also enabled 6 SMEs to display under the banner of ‘British Engineering Excellence’ at Michelin's Bibendum Challenge in Berlin.
  • LowCVP events have helped raise understanding of emerging challenges in developing the market for low carbon vehicles and fuels and championed outstanding companies. The annual conference received 100% “Good” feedback.
  • The Department for Transport agreed future funding for the LowCVP to at least 2015 and membership grew to over 200 organisations.

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