Scottish Government announces £50m boost for low carbon transport

Wed 18 January 2012 View all news

The Scottish Government has announced details of £50m spending to promote sustainable transport over the next four years. The Future Transport Fund aims to encourage investment in and development of low carbon road transport in Scotland.

Transport Scotland will work with stakeholders and partners to plan and deliver projects across the four years of the Fund to make the most effective use of this investment in supporting the transition to low-carbon transport. The allocation of the first £11 million under the Future Transport Fund for 2012-13 and 2013-14 is for the provision of cycling infrastructure and freight modal shift as well as for low carbon vehicles, including greener buses.

Theis funding will support delivery work in areas of activity including: the development of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (including through the Plugged-in Places programme); development of cycling and walking programmes (in collaboration with Sustrans); a third round of the Scottish Green Bus Fund in 2013/14; and the continuation of the Freight Facilities Grant (FFG) - a capital grant scheme which encourages the transfer of freight from road to rail or where the road option is cheaper.

Scotland's Transport Minister Keith Brown said: "One of our key priorities now is to create the conditions for change, and in Scotland at the current time that means a focus on sustainable economic growth. These investments will support that goal through the opportunities for Scottish businesses, as well as the wider benefits to society. 

"While current budget constraints mean some projects will be delivered in the longer term, we are committed to increasing the funds available from Future Transport Fund over the next few years. This initial £11 million provides a platform on which to build further developments in these different areas of sustainable transport."

Transport Scotland is the Scottish Government’s national transport agency.

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