Scottish Government launches consultation on the use of low carbon vehicles

Mon 29 June 2009 View all news

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on the use of low carbon vehicles, which includes proposals to widen the use of electric vehicles. The consultation, which is set to run until October 2nd 2009, is intended to inform the development of policy and a way forward for the introduction and promotion of low carbon vehicles and alternative fuels.

The consultation proposes twin targets of achieving 100% use of low carbon vehicles by public sector fleets by 2020 and that 95% of all new vehicles will also be low carbon in 2020. The proposals also seek to encourage the widespread adoption of low carbon vehicles across Scotland.

Scotland's Climate Change minister, Stewart Stevenson, said: "Government must back up its world leading climate change targets with action and this consultation does just that. Emissions from transport have been increasing in recent years and a major uptake of low carbon vehicle technologies is required to reverse this trend.

For more information on how to take part in the consultation, please follow the associated link.

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