Science and Technology Office provides Parliamentarians with background guidance on electric vehicles

Wed 20 October 2010 View all news

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology has produced a POSTnote on Electric Vehicles, reflecting the growing interest amongst policy makers in the technology. The POSTnote provides a 4-page summary of the latest technology developments, the policy context and future prospects. 

The document also outlines the potential benefits for the UK include business opportunities and, in the longer term, carbon emissions savings and a reduced dependence on oil. It focuses on the extent to which EVs could reduce carbon emissions and examines the issues driving and also mitigating against their widespread uptake.

To view the POSTnote, please follow the associated link.

In a separate development, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has published a new Electric Car Guide to help motorists make more informed decisions when purchasing an electric vehicle. The report is presented in an easy to understand Q&A-style format and addresses some of the common queries relating to electric vehicles including information about batteries, charging, vehicle performance, on-the-road cost, government incentives and safety. The publication is free and downloadable via the associated link.

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