Save the date: LowCVP Parliamentary Reception; the economic impacts of the low carbon journey - March 9, 2015
Thu 18 December 2014
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The LowCVP is to co-host a Parliamentary reception in the House of Commons on the afternoon of Monday, March 9, 2015. The event will include the launch a new report by Cambridge Econometrics - 'Fuelling Britain's Future - The Economic Impact of Low Carbon Vehicles in the UK' - which has been commissioned by the European Climate Foundation. Speakers at the event will include leading industry and government figures.
Cambridge Econometrics' report builds on an an earlier study - 'Fuelling Europe's Future' - utilising an econometric model to evaluate the impact of low carbon vehicle introduction on the economy of the UK.
This forward-looking report, builds on the LowCVP's retrospective study - 'Investing in the Low Carbon Journey' - which was published alongside the LowCVP's Annual Conference in July. The LowCVP report found that the UK automotive sector has been revitalised over the last ten years by consistently applied policy centred on cutting carbon.
Speakers at the event will include Richard Burden MP, Shadow Transport Spokesman; Jerry Hardcastle, Global Chief Marketability Engineer, Nissan and Chairman of the Automotive Council Technology Group; and Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP (tbc), Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
The Parliamentary Reception will be preceded by a seminar (to be held in a House of Commons committee room) for those who would like the opportunity to learn about the Cambridge Econometrics study in more detail.
The Reception will feature a small exhibition of dynamic UK companies that are leading the way in low carbon road transport innovation, helping to deliver environmental benefits as well as generating growth and jobs.
More details about the event will be published in the new year.
This is a LowCVP member priority event. (To be sure of a place, please consider joining the LowCVP).
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