Rushlight Awards 2008 to highlight environmental technology and innovation - call for entries

Wed 09 July 2008 View all news

The Rushlight Awards aim to celebrate the notable achievements of UK and Irish organisations who are working to develop technology and innovations in renewable energy, clean fuels, power generation, water, waste and pollution management.

The awards will highlight the technologies and innovations likely to shape the energy, transport, environment and industry sectors of the future.

Stakeholders who have developed a technology or innovation which fits one of the 27 initial categories are invited to submit an entry. Each entry has the chance to win up to a further 2 awards, including the overall Rushlight Awards.

The deadline for entries is 31 October 2008.

The Awards' headline partners and sponsors include the Institute of Physics, Black & Veatch, E-Synergy and Kilburn & Strode, assistance from the Manufacturing, Materials and Environment Unit of BERR, Scottish Enterprise, The Welsh Assembly Govt, Action Renewables of Northern Ireland and over 50 trade associations, institutes and agencies.

See the adjacent link to the Awards site for more details and a downloadable entry form.

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