RSS feeds on LowCVP website give users easier access to news

Wed 27 February 2008 View all news

The LowCVP website now has RSS feeds for news, events and other resources to enable users to receive the latest headlines direct to a single page. By subscribing to the LowCVP's RSS feeds, users can receive the latest low carbon road transport developments to their Google, Yahoo, Newsgator or other news readers.

News feeds allow you to see when websites have added new content. You can get the latest headlines in one place, as soon as it is published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from.

The LowCVP encourages the use of its news feeds on third-party websites, but requires that the proper attribution is used when LowCVP content appears.

For more information, visit the RSS information page accessible via the associated link.

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