Reports suggest increasing Government concern over 'peak oil'

Mon 23 August 2010 View all news

A report published by the Observer newspaper suggests that the Government may be more concerned about a future fossil fuel supply 'crunch' than they have so far admitted. The Government is said to be canvassing views from the scientific community about 'peak oil' while the Department for Energy and Climate Change  is refusing to hand over Government policy documents about the issue. The Government is under increasing pressure from industrialists like Sir Richard Branson to put contingency plans in place to deal with a fuel supply crisis.

The Observer reports that scientists and experts say they have received a letter from David Mackay, chief scientific adviser to the DECC, asking for information and advice on peak oil.

A spokeswoman for the department said the request from Mackay was "routine" and said there was no change of policy other than to keep the issue under review.

The peak oil argument was effectively dismissed as alarmist by former energy minister Malcolm Wicks in a report to government last summer, while oil companies such as BP, which have major influence in Whitehall, take a similar line. 

Documents obtained under the FoI Act seen by the Observer show that a "peak oil workshop" brought together staff from the DECC, the Bank of England and Ministry of Defence among others to discuss the issue.

The DECC is reported to have been resistant to calls to reveal information under the Freedom of Information Act because of the policy discussion is "high profile" and "ongoing" in nature. 

The Observer reports a DECC official as saying: "However any public interest in the disclosure of such information must be balanced with the need to ensure that ministers and advisers can discuss policy in a manner which allows for frank exchanges of views and opinions about important and sensitive issues."

For more information see The Observer news link attached.

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