Renewable Fuels Agency publishes first report on biofuels use and origins

Thu 07 August 2008 View all news

The first monthly report of the Renewable Fuels Agency (RFA) on fuels supplied under the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) covering the period 15 April - 14 May 2008 was released in August.

Biofuels accounted for 2.14% of UK road fuel during April-May 2008 against a target for the year of 2.5%, set under the RTFO. Most of the biofuel supplied (86%) was biodiesel. In this first month, 19% of biofuels met environmental standards compared to a target for the year of 30%.

The RFA report is based upon a reporting methodology which was developed by the LowCVP. The report shows that greenhouse gas savings of 42% were achieved, but this figure excludes the emissions from the indirect changes in land-use which were the focus of the recent 'Gallagher Review'. The RFA has recommended that indirect effects are included in future sustainability reporting and is working with the Government to identify how this can be done.

The biofuels feedstock is known for most (90%) of all feedstock, and the country of origin for 57%. The most widely reported feedstocks were American soy (22%), for biodiesel and Brazilian sugarcane (79%) for bioethanol.

The RFA intends to continue publishing biofuels report information and will also separate company performance figures in the October quarterly report. The Agency will also publish a final, fully verified dataset at the end of year. 

The Government recently announced proposals to slow down the rate of introduction of biofuels under the RTFO, following the publication of the Gallagher Review. (See earlier story link.)


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