Renault & Nissan partner to mass market electric vehicles in Israel

Mon 21 January 2008 View all news

A privately funded plan to provide half a million recharging points and battery-swap stations for electric cars in Israel could see the country take a lead in this technology. Under 'Project Better Place', Renault and Nissan will develop an electric car with a range of more than 100 miles to be mass-produced from 2011.

Project Better Place, a US start-up founded by Shai Agassi an Israeli-American, has raised US$200m for the project, enough to cover the initial stages. Further roll-out of the infrastructure and vehicles is expected to add about $800m to the cost.

The Israeli Government is to provide tax incentives to customers. Project Better Place plans to construct and operate an electricity recharge grid across Israel where it is anticipated that electric vehicles will be available for customers by 2011.

The Project has calculated that if Israel’s fleet of 2m cars were all electric, they would require 2,000MW of electricity per year, which could be provided by solar electricity for a one-off investment of $5bn.

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