'Open mic' opportunities at LowCVP Conference - City Hall, 8 June

Zemo Partnership EventZemo Partnership News

Tue 05 May 2009 View all news

The LowCVP is offering an 'open mic' opportunity for members and others to speak about issues of interest, concern or opportunity at the Partnership's annual conference at City Hall, London on June 8th. The 'open mic' slots are intended to bring fresh ideas and proposals to the table.

'Open mic' slots - available for 5 minutes per person - will take place in the restaurant area towards the end of the lunch interval.

The talks may be policy-focused or advocate new or original technical solutions to enhance low carbon road transport. They may also focus on strategies to promote behavioural change. The talks should be constructive rather than critical or, at least, have strong constructive elements. Speakers will be encouraged not to use Powerpoint or other visual aids because of the limited time available.

Proposals for the 'open mic' slots will be considered by a representative panel of LowCVP stakeholders in mid-May.

Anyone interested in speaking in one of this session should write a brief proposal (200 words) describing what they would speak about. The proposal should be sent to the LowCVP by email: secretariat@lowcvp.org.uk . Proposal submissions will be acknowledged by email and applicants will be contacted again in mid-May.

Any questions about the 'open mic' opportunities at the LowCVP Conference should also be emailed to: secretariat@lowcvp.org.uk

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