Oil industry hostile reaction to European Commission biofuels proposals

Thu 15 February 2007 View all news

The European petroleum industry has reacted to EU plans for increased biofuel use, calling them a 'bureaucratic nightmare'.The reaction comes following the European Commission's recent proposals that there should be a mandatory 10% minimum target for biofuels by 2020.

The industry says that the plans will mean the import of large quantities of bioethanol from countries such as Brazil because of Europe’s small production capacity. Peter Tajan of the European Petroleum Industry said: “We will swap oil from Saudi Arabia for biofuels from Brazil and Malaysia. Does that help energy security?” 

According to the Financial Times, the Green MEP Claude Turmes, accused the European commission a of “diverting attention from the real problem - the cars that use the fuel - and creating the illusion that fuel from plants is the panacea for our climate problems.”

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