New Climate Group Report: Breaking the Climate Deadlock - Technology for a Low Carbon Future

Thu 09 July 2009 View all news

A new report from The Climate Group finds that scaling up energy efficiency and renewable energy while avoiding deforestation can dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the short term, and are much-needed steps to achieve global climate goals. The report was launched by the former Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

At the launch, Mr Blair explained that the report is a part of the "Breaking the Climate Deadlock" project, a strategic partnership between Mr Blair's office and The Climate Group. He said that the report shows how major reductions even by 2020 are achievable if we focus action on certain key technologies, deploy policies that have been proven to work, and invest now in developing those future technologies that will take time to mature

The main report findings are:

•  Major emission reductions are achievable by 2020 if action is focused on certain key solutions now;
•  Fully 70% of the reductions needed by 2020 can be achieved by investing in energy efficiency – lighting, vehicles, buildings and motors -     and reducing deforestation, the costs of which are manageable and generate positive returns;
•  Just seven known policies that are already being successfully implemented in different parts of the world can deliver these reductions: they need scaling up;
•  Investment is required in the development of those future technologies that will take time to mature, in particular carbon capture and storage (CCS), large scale solar and new generation nuclear, along with public infrastructure such as smart grids;
• International cooperation spurred by an ambitious agreement in Copenhagen can rapidly bring costs down and accelerate scale up of both current and future technologies.

See adjacent link to the report.

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