New multinational project aims to exploit potential of biomethane for transport
Sat 20 August 2011
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A new EC-funded project, including three participating organisations in the UK, aims to exploit the potential of biomethane production and use for transport. BIOMASTER is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme and comprises 17 partners from the UK, Austria, Italy, Poland and Sweden.
The ambition of the project coalition is to overcome the current impasse and bring the key components of the biomethane chain into a joint initiative, stimulating investments, removing non-technological barriers and mobilising action for uptake. The coalition aims to bridge the knowledge and operational gaps currently fragmenting the biomethane supply chain and to establish local alliances of stakeholders to foster open dialogue and create a mutual understanding which will facilitate effective action.
BIOMASTER will foster a commitment of a "waste-to-wheel” partnership, the set-up of networks to involve local stakeholders, the intention to address the potential sources of biomethane production, the potential for total production and use, the available distribution modes, and the legal, organisational and financial barriers. A key ambition of BIOMASTER is to focus on biomethane grid injection.
The UK partners in the project are Norfolk County Council, TTR and National Grid Gas.
The first BIOMASTER newsletter can now be downloaded from the website.
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