'My Electric Avenue' trial finds grid could handle significant EV uptake; finale event planned for 3 December

Sun 01 November 2015 View all news

The My Electric Avenue project which has studied the capacity to deliver power for electric vehicle charging where demand is concentrated in small areas is coming to a close. The EA Technology-led project's finale event takes place on 3 December. The event will be a chance to share learning and reveal details of a legacy initiative that will provide the platform for collaboration between the automotive and utilities sectors.

My Electric Avenue, which is an Ofgem Low Carbon Networks Fund project, tested a new technology, Esprit, which can control the charging of EVs if the local electricity grid becomes overloaded. Over 100 people, in different 'electric avenues' or clusters around Britain, were recruited to My Electric Avenue’s technical trials in 2014, to drive an all-electric Nissan LEAF for 18 months and test the new technology that can control people’s charging. The project has been addressing two key, previously unanswered questions: Can local electricity networks cope when large numbers of EVs are charged at peak times? If not, what can we do about it?

The trial's results which were released in September at Cenex's LCV2015 event showed that some local electricity networks would require upgrades to help manage the increase in demand that comes with increase EV uptake. A lower cost solution to replacement of underground cables may be possible via the technology used in the scheme, Espirit, which monitors demand and can control charging should demand reach unsustainable levels. 

The finale event will see speakers from project partners Scottish and Southern Energy Power Distribution, EA Technology, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Cenex and Nissan to be held at the IMechE. 

Event Details

  • Date - 3 December 2015
  • Time - 10:00 - 16:00
  • Venue - Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ

To register to attend, please email your contact details to myelectricavenue@eatechnology.com

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