M&S asks suppliers to avoid palm oil use as ASA rules against sustainability claims

Tue 15 January 2008 View all news

Marks and Spencer has asked its suppliers to avoid the use of palm oil in products for the supermarket group and are encouraging the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) to implement a robust certification process. Meanwhile, the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled against sustainability claims by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council.

M&S made their announcement in the annual review of the company's environmental commitment which is branded 'Plan A - because there is no Plan B'. M&S says that it has identified all their food and beauty products which contain palm oil. The company also intends to improve labelling whereever oil is present in a product.

Meanwhile,  the Advertising Standards Authority has ruled as false advertising by the Malaysian Palm Oil Council in which palm oil was described as "sustainably produced". Friends of the Earth international made a complaint against the advert which appeared on the TV channel BBC World in the summer of 2007. The advert was deemed to have used misleading wording and imagery. 

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