MPs call for greener, safer cars
Sun 11 July 2004
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A new report by the Transport Select Committee says that road transport "must face up to its contribution to global warming".
The influential Committee calls on the Government to give much greater financial and other policy support to the development and manufacture of cleaner, greener and safer cars.
The MPs would like to see more grants to help people buy the cleanest cars available. They also say that tax measures should be used to discourage people from buying the most polluting vehicles.
Gwyneth Dunwoody MP, Committee chair, said: “The technological potential is
stunning. The Government must ensure that incentives encourage manufacturers to introduce cleaner technologies and safety systems in cars, which consumers are then encouraged to buy.
"The Government does not need to be prescriptive; the car industry is capable of bringing forward the best solution. The UK must not miss the opportunity to have cars on our roads within the next decade that prevent someone driving if they are drunk, uninsured or untaxed.”
The Committee says that the Government should not be afraid to legislate to meet environmental targets, because experience shows that stringent rules can drive major technological improvements.
Related Links
Transport Committee website
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