Mayor outlines plans for electric vehicle future in London

Mon 17 June 2019 View all news

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has set out his plans for a major expansion of London’s electric vehicle-charging network. The Mayor plans to bring together the public and private sector to deliver rapid development in the electric vehicle infrastructure in the capital. The plan includes commitments by businesses and retailers to transform EV charging provision in London over the coming years.

The plan follows the Mayor’s establishment of the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Taskforce, bringing together representatives from business, energy, infrastructure, government and the London boroughs. The past year has seen more than 140 organisations contribute to the work of the Taskforce.

The Mayor says that London is at the forefront of the zero-emission revolution with more than 20,000 electric vehicles, 1,700 electric taxis and Europe’s largest electric bus fleet. He says that the new plan builds on TfL’s successful rollout of over 175 rapid charge points across the city (delivering a full charge in 20 - 30 minutes) and a growing network of over 1,100 lamp post charging points delivered by boroughs in residential areas.

Sadiq said: “We need to reject the fossil fuels of the past and embrace an electric revolution in London’s transport.”

The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Taskforce and other industry partners will support the Mayor in driving forward a number of initiatives in the plan including:

  • Installing the next generation of ultra-rapid charging points at London petrol stations later this year.
  • Delivering five flagship charging hubs, with the ability for multiple cars to quickly be charged in one place. The first of these hubs will be operational in the heart of the Square Mile by the end of the year.
  • A new ‘one-stop-shop’ for Londoners to request new charging infrastructure from their local authority in areas of high demand led by London Councils, making it easier for drivers to switch to electric vehicles.
  • Expanding electric car clubs and bringing more vehicles to market, offering greater choice to Londoners and businesses.
  • New online smart tools to ensure London’s energy grid continues to keep pace with demand and to help unlock private sector investment.

London currently hosts 25 per cent of the UK’s electric vehicle charge points - more than any other UK region, with 2,400 public chargers spread over 1,200 locations. The Mayor has made the installation of rapid charge points (delivering a full charge in 20-30 minutes) a priority, to encourage high-mileage drivers to switch to electric vehicles.

Note: The Mayor recently launched a scrappage scheme for vans and minibuses to help London drivers make the transition from older, more polluting vehicles to cleaner options. The scheme supports micro businesses, sole traders and charities to replace vehicles that don't meet the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) standards.

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