Manchester City Council gives go-ahead for Green Badge parking scheme
Tue 15 May 2007
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Manchester City Council has given the go ahead to plans to introduce a Green Badge Parking scheme under which commuters who use low emission vehicles will benefit from lower cost parking. The Green Badge Parking permit proposal from Manchester Knowledge Capital was one of the winning entries to last year's LowCVP 'Challenge' and was announced at the Partnership's annual conference.
In its initial form, the project will offer a 25% reduction in the cost of an annual season ticket in all NCP main car parks to drivers of vehicles emitting below 120g/km CO2.
The aim of the project is to encourage regular Manchester commuters to switch to a low carbon vehicle. A specific target of raising the number of people who drive into the city in a low carbon vehicle from 2% to 5% has been set.
Councillor Neil Swannick, Executive Member for Planning and Environment said: “While using public transport is the best way to travel, we recognise that this isn’t practical for everyone, so have identified cheaper parking as a great way to reward drivers who help us to cut climate change emissions and improve air quality by making responsible vehicle choices.
“Cutting emissions is an urgent priority, and while driving a low emission car already means lower fuel bill and lower car tax, I hope that adding cheaper parking to existing benefits will encourage more people to buy greener models.”
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