LowCVP's first Low Emission Bus Workshop held in Manchester

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Thu 30 March 2017 View all news

The LowCVP held the first of four free regional Low Emission Bus Workshops for operators and local authorities at the University of Manchester on March 30th. Over 100 delegates were in attendance to hear about the operational experiences of low carbon and low emission bus technologies and fuels in the UK over the last five years.

LowCVP will host at least three further regional workshops to reach out to operators and local authorities who wish to understand what options are available to reduce greenhouse gas and air quality-related emissions from bus fleets.

Delegates at the Manchester event heard from nine speakers in an agenda which covered a wide array of solutions to tackle air quality and carbon emissions. The event also gave delegates an opportunity to engage with manufacturers, retrofit powertrain and after-treatment and biodiesel suppliers. Presentations at the event included:

  • Fleet Manager's experiences of introducing hybrids, biomethane and retrofit SCR technologies.
  • Latest developments in national low carbon bus policy
  • The role of low emission buses in Manchester and TfGM’s Transport Strategy 2040
  • The UK’s first Clean Air Zone in York
  • A guide to the key aspects of deploying electric buses from eBus champion, Steve Cornes

To dowload the Low Emisison Bus Guide and presentations from the event, please see the associated links.

During the networking session, delegates had the chance to meet bus manufacturers and technology providers including: ADL, BAE Hybrid Systems, BYD, Scania, Volvo, Wrightbus, Vantage Power, Magtec, Optare, HJS, Argent Energy and Twintec Baumont.
Two low emission buses were also on display at the event: Scania’s ADL 400 gas double deck and Vantage Power’s range-extender hybrid retrofit solution.
The event took place in the Great Hall, Sackville Street Building, University of Manchester, Manchester and was free to attend. 

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