LowCVP stakeholder survey to research options for low carbon trucks

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Tue 23 December 2014 View all news

The DfT has asked the LowCVP to help facilitate a stakeholder survey to find out views of the likely technologies and uptake rates for low carbon trucks which have the potential to cut emissions over the next 20 years. The survey will inform DfT statisticians and help shape the plans for support to the truck market from 2015 onwards. 

To help inform the modelling of the HGV market, respondents to the survey will be invited to consider technology applicability to different truck operations. 

The LowCVP will be helping to coordinate a stakeholder workshop in the new year to  reinvigorate the work on low carbon trucks  through the HGV task force and to report on the accreditation scheme which has been developed by a consortium of LowCVP members. 

Having recently seconded a LowCVP staff member into the DfT freight team we are now able to help deliver on the initiatives identified in the barriers and opportunities report which was published previously. 

Interested stakeholder are invited to respond to the HGV survey by 16 January 2015

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