LowCVP MD gives evidence to Parliamentary Science and Technology Committee

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Wed 27 February 2019 View all news

The LowCVP's Managing Director, Andy Eastlake, has given evidence to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry into 'Technologies for meeting Clean Growth emissions reduction targets'. The Parliamentary committee is comprised of a cross-party group of back-bench MPs whose role is to scrutinise the effectiveness of Government policy in specific areas.

The Committee's inquiry is investigating the effectiveness of the Government's progress towards its Clean Growth Strategy, published in 2018.

It is seeking evidence to inform the Committee's response on:

  • The relative importance of the four main areas identified in the Strategy (‘Improving Our Homes’, ‘Accelerating the Shift to Low Carbon Transport’, ‘Delivering Clean, Smart, Flexible Power’ and ‘Enhancing the Benefits and Value of Our Natural Resources’), and whether the Strategy places the right weight on each of those sectors to deliver emissions reductions;
  • Progress on meeting carbon budget targets to date and areas where more progress is needed going forward;
  • The extent to which current and future technologies can help to meet the carbon budgets; and
  • The uncertainty in future technologies’ contribution to emissions reductions, and how that uncertainty can best be incorporated into the Government’s carbon budgets.

In order to answer these questions, the Committee was looking to find out:

  • How the development and deployment of technology can best be supported, and the extent to which the Government should support specific technologies or pursue a ‘technology neutral’ approach;
  • The relative priority that should be attached to developing new technologies compared to deploying existing technologies, including consideration of the costs and pollution involved in the decommissioning of technologies or infrastructure;
  • Examples of specific technologies whose development and deployment have been effectively supported so far, as well as those that show particular promise for meeting the Government’s carbon emissions targets or supporting the UK’s economy, or which would benefit from specific Government action, in the future; and
  • The role of the Industrial Strategy ‘Clean Growth Grand Challenge’, and what the Government should do to ensure it contributes effectively to meeting emissions targets.

In this particular session the Committee explored options for decarbonising the UK’s road transport sector. The Committee is considering potential long-term scenarios that could meet the UK’s emissions reductions targets as well as the actions the Government should be taking now to enable the UK to determine and pursue the optimum routes to these future scenarios.

In addition to Andy Eastlake, the session witnesses included Amanda Lyne, Chair, UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association and Tanya Sinclair, Policy Director UK and Ireland, ChargePoint.


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