LowCVP launches internet portal to assist SMEs to engage with investors

Thu 26 February 2009 View all news

As part of the Partnership's drive to support small and medium sized businesses, it has launched a new microsite to help SMEs to engage with investors. The site provides an introduction to the automotive sector, the stages of business development and associated types of finance as well as links to a number of potential finance providers.

In supporting SMEs to develop low carbon technology, the Innovation Working Group commissioned a study looking at access to finance to provide an evidence base in developing their work plan in this area. The report, undertaken by Orion Innovations, highlighted a potential lack of early stage equity funding and the relatively small proportion of deals for automotive applications. However, the analysis was frustrated by the lack of granularity to the deal data, which is reported for the Cleantech sector, including transport. The report goes on to provide useful information regarding the sources and finance and their requirements. The IWG is now looking at how to take the work in this area focused upon developing services for SMEs.

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