LowCVP e-Newsletter survey results

Sun 18 January 2009 View all news

Nearly 230 readers responded to the LowCVP's December survey of attitudes towards the e-Newsletter. More than half (56%) of respondents said they find the e-Newsletter either 'extremely' or 'very useful' while a further 34% described it as 'quite useful'.

The response rate to the survey was about 14%, or one in seven of the e-Newsletter readership. More than half of the respondents said they have been reading the e-Newsletter for over a year and a further quarter have been reading it for over six months.

17% of respondents said that the e-Newsletter 'always' covers the issues of most interest to them and 67% said it 'usually' does.

The most useful category of news was 'reports and studies', chosen by 148 respondents, closely followed by 'policy developments' (137) and 'technology developments' (136).

Most respondents are happy with the frequency of the newsletter. 75% would like it to remain a monthly publication with 18% favouring a fortnightly frequency and 5% weekly (2% expressed no preference).

Around 40 respondents said their organisation would, or may, be willing to help promote the LowCVP newsletter via their websites, newsletters or other media.

The winner of the prize draw for survey respondents was Martin McKenzie of South London who describes himself as "a serial inventor with a number of granted UK patents". Mr McKenzie will shortly receive a bottle of good quality English wine. 

The full survey results are available from the LowCVP Secretariat on request.

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