LowCVP activities at the party conferences

Sat 15 July 2006 View all news

The LowCVP will again be playing an active part in this year's party conferences, running debates at each of the three conferences on road transport and climate change. The events will all take place at the 'Climate Clinic' - a new initiative for this year's conferences - which is set up to host a range of climate-related meetings, exhibitions and special events at a single venue. 

The LowCVP will collaborate with Transport 2000 in three fringe meetings (one at each conference) entitled: "Powering Future Vehicles: Can road transport rise to the climate challenge?" The discussions will focus on issues such as the environmental impacts of proposed road user charging, road transport sector carbon targets, renewable transport fuels and other options for cutting carbon from road transport. 

The 'Climate Clinic'  is a major new initiative involving a coalition of leading environmental NGOs, low-carbon energy trade associations, public bodies and think-tanks, collaborating to put climate change at the heart of this year’s party conferences. The Independent newspaper are media partners of the Climate Clinic.

The LowCVP + Transport2000 events at the Climate Clinic will take place on:

19 September (LibDem conference - Brighton) at lunchtime, including Alistair Carmichael MP, the LibDem's Shadow Transport Secretary.

25 September (Labour Conference - Manchester), lunchtime, including Stephen Ladyman MP, the transport minister.

2 October (Conservative Conference - Bournemouth), lunchtime, including Tim Yeo MP, Chair of the Environmental Audit Committee and former shadow spokesman.

Geoffrey Lean, the environment correspondent of the Independent on Sunday, will chair the meetings which will also feature Stephen Joseph, Executive Director of Transport2000 as well as a LowCVP speaker.

Related Links

'Climate Clinic' - background information

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