LowCVP 2019 Conference focuses on future fuels - all resources now available
Tue 30 July 2019
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The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership’s 16th Annual Conference, took place in Westminster on July 8. ‘More than electric dreams? Future Fuels on the Road to Zero' asked whether accelerating the drive to battery electric vehicles can deliver road transport’s contribution to ‘net zero’ or whether we’ll need to use ‘other tools in the box’ to cut emissions from liquid fuels and combustion engines while we’re undergoing the electric transition.
Conference presentations, videos, images and other resources are now available from a dedicated page on the LowCVP's website.
Transport Minister Michael Ellis MP giving the keynote address at the LowCVP Conference said:
"Net zero is an ambitious, but entirely achievable target. But also one that requires a focused and co-ordinated response from all of us. To speed up innovation. To support new and emerging technologies like greener fuels. And to ensure that industry and government are working in partnership towards shared goals.The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is clearly integral to that process."
The minister concluded his speech saying: "We need the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership. With the unique contribution you all can make. Not just in the short term. But right through our journey to zero emissions. It’s a journey of historic proportions and importance."
The Conference resources now available include:
The Government has already announced a target to end the sale of conventional (internal combustion engine – ICE) cars and vans by 2040. Even if that target is brought forward to 2035 or 2030, as proposed by the Committee on Climate Change. ICE vehicles will still contribute around 50% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts from road transport to 2050.
And while progress is being made in powering more and more cars and vans with electricity (from increasingly renewable sources) we still need practical solutions for ‘hard to electrify’ applications such as road freight (trucks) and long-distance coaches.
LowCVP’s Managing Director Andy Eastlake said:
“We’re making great strides towards the electrification of cars, vans and buses operating on certain duty cycles and with specific customers, but with sales still only a few percent of the total volume we must redouble our efforts to accelerate that transition.
“But, in combination with that, we surely need to take as much fossil carbon out of the system as soon as we can. Indeed, the ‘quickest wins’ and greatest near-term impacts can be delivered through moves to decarbonise more ‘conventional’ transport fuels used in IC engines.”
The LowCVP Annual Conference was held as part of London Climate Action Week which ran from 1-8 July, convened by the Mayor of London.
LowCVP CONFERENCE FEEDBACK: Around a quarter of the (~170) attendees completed a feedback survey sent to them shortly after the event. Over 95% of those who responded rated the Conference presentations either 'very good' or 'good' and nearly 90% gave the event networking opportunities similar ratings. Meanwhile, over 80% said that the Conference was either 'very good' or 'good' in terms of 'value for money'. The event venue, delegate pack and management & communications aspects were also highly rated.
88% of those who attended this year's Conference said they are 'very likely' or 'likely' to attend next year's event. (The remainder said 'possibly'.)
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