Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership response to the Government’s Carbon Reduction Strategy for Transport

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Wed 15 July 2009 View all news

The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership is greatly encouraged by the announcement – published as part of the Government’s low carbon transition plans – that carbon emissions from UK inland transport will be reduced by up to 14 per cent by 2020 compared with 2008 levels. Transport represents over a fifth of domestic carbon emissions and without a significant contribution from the sector the targets set out under the Climate Change Act will be extremely difficult to reach.

The carbon reduction from transport is an expectation based on current policies and strategies defined in the Department for Transport’s strategy paper (‘Low Carbon Transport – A Greener Future’) published on 15 July alongside the Government’s Low Carbon Industrial Strategy. The overall strategy is a significant statement of the Government's intent to deliver policies to underpin the carbon reduction targets.

The LowCVP has actively called for a carbon reduction target for the road transport sector - over 90% of members in a recent survey* supported a target. Today's announcement goes a considerable way towards meeting that call.

The LowCVP welcomes the decision to create a new Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV), comprised of government officials from DfT, BIS, DECC, DCLG and HMT with the aim of streamlining the approach to policy-making in this area and helping to deliver the policy package outlined in the new strategy.

Greg Archer, the LowCVP Managing Director said: "I welcome the explicit acknowledgement in today's announcements of the importance of carbon reductions in the transport sector in terms of the overall reduction targets.

"The LowCVP provides a unique structure for validating and strengthening the work of the new OLEV and we will welcome the opportunity to work with officials under the new, streamlined structure when it is set up in the autumn." 

Click here to download the full LowCVP press release.

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