Local Government Association publishes series of reports on local actions for decarbonising transport
Wed 02 September 2020
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The Local Government Association (LGA) has published a series of decarbonisation briefings designed to help local councils take action to decarbonise transport.
Working with the University of Leeds over the past year the LGA has highlighted seven different areas where councils can take action to decarbonise transport. The areas were chosen following facilitated workshops - themed around “avoid, shift and improve” - exploring the ways councils can have greatest impact. This has resulted in briefing notes on the following topics:
Getting carbon ambition right
The role of buses
Accelerating the uptake of electric vehicles
Climate smart parking policies
The role of land use, localisation and accessibility
Travelling less and the role of online opportunities
Growing cycle use
(See this link for direct links to all the individual reports listed above.)
The LGA says that all of its communities will have to do all of these things to some extent but the balance will be different for each area Some places will need to focus on improving emissions from cars while others will be able to move towards greater use of walking and cycling. The right combination for each community is best decided locally.
LGA's website says: "The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to revaluate how our transport networks operate but they have not altered our commitment to reaching net zero. Recovery from the crisis must be compatible with our decarbonisation ambitions and our briefing notes are mindful of both the new reality we are in and the opportunity we can grasp as part of a green recovery."
The briefing notes cover understanding about how to set achievable timescales through to implementing measures that will help people change their travel behaviours.
LGA is also running a series of Decarbonising transport webinars:
Getting your carbon ambition right - 22 September 2020
The role of buses - 30 September 2020
Accelerating the uptake of electric vehicles - 14 October 2020
Climate Smart Parking Policies - 12 November 2020
Land Use, Localisation and Accessibility - 17 November 2020
Travelling less and the role of online opportunities - 24 November 2020
Growing Cycle Use - 10 December 2020
(See this link for direct links to all the individual webinar booking details.)
For more information, see the associated links.
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