Islington Council to introduce parking surcharge for diesel vehicles to tackle air quality problems

Sat 17 January 2015 View all news

Islington Council has approved the introduction of an £8 a month (£96 a year) diesel surcharge for resident parking permits to help improve air quality in the borough.
The Council's press release says that diesel vehicles can emit up to four times more nitrogen oxides and 20 times more particulate matter than petrol vehicles.
The surcharge, which was approved by the Council's Executive on January 15, the diesel surcharge will begin in April. Some vehicles, including taxis and diesel vehicles used by carers and trades people for work, will be exempt from the surcharge.
Cllr Claudia Webbe, Islington Council's executive member for environment and transport, said: "We're committed to improving air quality in Islington, and diesel fumes are a major cause of air pollution.
"Pollutants in diesel exhausts have been linked to heart and lung diseases, which are major causes of serious and long-term health issues and even death in Islington, and the surcharge will encourage a move away from diesel.

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