Ireland sets ambitious targets for biofuels introduction

Thu 15 February 2007 View all news

The Irish Government is proposing to radically increase the share of biofuels used in transport. It says that biofuels should make up 5.75 per cent of transport fuels by 2009, rising to 10 per cent by 2020.

Ireland's minister for communications, marine and natural resources Noel Dempsey said: "By establishing a 2020 target for biofuels, we are providing market players with long-term certainty to develop economically viable scale into their projects."

The European Union's 2003 biofuels directive proposes that member states aim for a 5.75 per cent share of biofuels by 2010. Up to now, Ireland was committed only to achieving 2.2 per cent by 2008.

ENDS reports that Ireland's 10 per cent target for 2020 is exactly in line with a recommendation made by the European Commission last month. Ireland is thus putting itself in the forefront of European Countries in terms of efforts to increase biofuel use over the longer term.

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