International transport ministers agree sector must carry weight in fight on climate change

Sat 17 January 2009 View all news

An international meeting of transport ministers from 21 major countries was convened in Tokyo to discuss options for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector. The meeting, which was the first of its kind, ended with the message that the transport sector must carry its weight in the fight against climate change.

The three-day meeting brought together the world's largest national greenhouse gas emitters - including the G8 states, India and Australia but with the exception of China - for discussions on cutting both domestic and international transport emissions. Transport emissions comprise about 25% of the World's total greenhouse gas emissions.

Chinese news agency AFP (reported by ENDS) said that China refused to attend the meeting because it felt developing countries were expected to do more than their fair share.

Japan's Prime Minister Taro Aso (reported by Japan Today) said: ‘‘We should play a proactive role in achieving global sustainable development and stability. The participating countries should take advantage of their technologies and experiences to positively support developing countries.’’

The United Nation's climate supremo, Yvo de Boer called on Governments to "think hard about the extent to which transport could be included in an emissions trading system established as part of the Copenhagen agreement".

"If vehicle producers are hesitant in joining the carbon market, then fuel suppliers could be invited to form the linking element," he added.

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